Friday, January 29, 2010

Whole Featherwings- The Stevenson

The Stevenson is a beautiful pattern very reminiscent of a Parson or Ranger in it’s construction. Kelson gives the credit for the invention of this pattern to James Wright, with Frodin adding a date of ca. 1850 to this notation in his book.

There are four of the old masters who list a version of the Stevenson in their inventories of flies, they are Kelson, Hardy, Maxwell and Pryce-Tannatt.  There is also at least one, possibly more other versions illustrated in books with no pattern being given, just the name.  Of all of these, Hardy and Kelson are identical, which leaves four similar but different flies for us to describe.  We will begin with the pattern as per George M. Kelson, from his book "The Salmon Fly."
The Stevenson as per George M. Kelson and John James Hardy
Tip: silver twist
Tag: light blue silk
Tail: topping and tippet
Butt: black herl
Body: 2 turns orange silk, followed by orange seal
Ribbing: silver lace and silver tinsel
Hackle: orange from orange silk
Throat: light blue
Wing: double tippets over 2 long jungle cock, topping over
Cheeks: jungle cock
Horns: Blue macaw
Head: black wool

Kelson writes a note following the description for a variation as used on the rivers Wye and Lochy.  Wings are to be veiled with Teal, and in the tail, summer duck is to be used instead of tippet.  This addendum is not copied by Hardy, though the pattern is.  

Sir Herbert Maxwell’s lovely pattern is distinct from the other two patterns in the construction of the wing, as we shall see.  Judging from the way he listed the pattern, I think he views it as a cross between a Parson and a Dandy, listing the pattern as:

“Tag, Tail, Body and Hackle as in the Parson, except that the shoulder hackle should
be bright blue dyed cock's or (better) Indian Jay. Wing, &c. As in the Dandy (No. 8).”

Translating this into a standard format, the pattern reads as follows: 
The Stevenson as per Sir Herbert Maxwell
Tip: silver twist
Tag: violet floss
Tail: topping and tippet and chatterer
Body: 1/5th gold floss, remainder rich yellow mohair merging into orange
Ribbing: silver twist
Hackle: orange over the wool,
Throat: bright blue, or better, jay full at the shoulder
Wing: Long jungle cock, pair of tippets over, pair of barred wood duck over that short, topping over.
Cheeks: chatterer
Horns: blue macaw
Head: black chenille

He records a small historical note: “I have a double hooked Stevenson of my own dressing,which I lost in a fish on the North Tyne one day in 1873. Two days later, the Duke of Northumberland caught this fish, 17Ibs., about half a mile higher up the water. My fly was sticking in its breast; I put it on my line and landed two fish with it the same day. Sizes,16 to 5.”

Dr. T. E. Pryce-Tannatt says nothing about this pattern, simply listing it as a “whole-feather wing” with a bunch of other patterns.  His version is as follows: 
The Stevenson as per Dr. T. E. Pryce-Tannatt
Tip: silver twist
Tag: light blue silk
Tail: topping and Indian crow
Butt: black herl
Body: ¼ orange floss, remainder orange seal of a darker shade
Ribbing: flat silver and silver twist
Hackle: bright orange
Throat: pale blue
Wing: double tippets over 2 long jungle cock, topping over
Shoulder: jungle cock
Cheeks:  chatterer
Horns: blue and yellow macaw

An interesting illustration from William E. Hodgeson's  “Salmon Fishing”…  (1920) shows what I initially took for a Maxwell version of the Stevenson, but upon closer examination discovered some interesting differences.  For one, there is a clear and distinct Ranger wing (doubled tippet over long jungle cock) and a butt, absent in Maxwell's version.  Missing also from this pattern is the standard chenille head, the chatterer cheeks, and the tail clearly has barred wood duck or teal instead of  tippet with or with out chatterer.  In common with other Stevenson patterns, the tag is light blue, rather then the violet that Maxwell prefers. Lastly, the ribbing is a broad flat gold, rather then silver twist.  Otherwise, this fly appears to conform to Maxwell's version as far as I can see.  Since I can find no written description included in this book, I am going to have to guess.  I think the pattern is as follows, based on the illustration:

The Stevenson as per William E. Hodgeson
Tip: silver twist
Tag: light blue
Tail: topping and barred wood duck (or possibly teal, maybe even both)
Body: 1/5th gold floss, remainder rich orange mohair or seal  
Ribbing: broad flat gold or possibly silver
Hackle: orange over the wool,
Throat: bright blue
Wing: Long jungle cock,  two pairs of tippets over (Ranger style), pair of barred wood duck over that short, topping over.
Horns: blue macaw

Discussing this with Monte Smith, he brought up some very interesting points.  It is possible that the tinsel could also be broad silver with gold oval backing it.  This would tend to pick up more orange from the oval gold and the fur also, making it appear silver.  His monitor shows the floss as a light orange, perhaps the Glasso Orange shade in the Japanese silk.  He also sees teal in the tail and not the barred wood duck.  Looking more closely I tend to agree with this myself. 

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Rangers Completed

The Other Rangers
The Ranger family of flies is a family of many variations on the original design. 
Besides the Black, Durham and Blue Rangers already discussed, there have been quite a few other Ranger type flies, most short lived, with few or no variations.  There is little or no history written about these flies, and certainly no catch- records for them that I have found either. 
The following patterns, with one exception, are all Rangers, or called Rangers and are here presented in no particular order except to group those with common names together by date as previously done with the Durham, Black and Blue Rangers.
Red Ranger as per William E. Hodgeson,  “Salmon Fishing” 1920
 Tip: silver twist
Tag: yellow floss
Tail: topping plus Indian crow
Butt: black herl
Body: two turns scarlet floss followed by scarlet seal, well picked out
Ribbing: broad flat silver tinsel with medium oval silver tinsel
Hackle: red cock
Throat: light blue cock
Wing: double tippets over 2 long jungle cock, topping over
Cheeks: kingfisher

This lovely Ranger was found amongst a collection of plates in Hodgeson's 1920 edition of "Salmon Fishing."  Originally printed in 1907, it shows 72 flies, popular at the time, but does not list the patterns for them.  Most of the flies illustrated, such as this one, are clear enough to make out the details, and seem to be similar to those found in Kelson, Hardy or Hale.  There are some however, including many mixed wings, where they are not. This makes for a challenge in deciphering them, and a real sense of "to be continued" as I struggle to find the patterns else-where.

The next Ranger, one dressed more like a Dandy or a Stevenson is the Drum Ranger.  The pattern is taken from a collection of flies dating to the 1930's and eventually ended up in a publication called the Salmon Flyer, possibly the first public printing of this collection of very interesting flies.   
Drum Ranger as per Sandy Irvine--Lord Alexander Irvine, Laird of Drum Castle and Drum Estate--about 1930.
Tag: oval gold and crimson floss
Tail: topping, summer duck and blue chatterer
Butt: black ostrich
Body: white floss,
Rib: flat and oval gold
Throat: golden brown
Wings: two projecting jungle cock enveloped by two tippets, summer duck covering lower parts of tippets, topping over all
Cheeks: blue chatterer

 Pulled from the extensive lists of flies found in J. Edson Leonard's book "Flies" this interesting pattern is one of the few patterns I know of using gold embossed tinsel for the entire body. 

Gold Ranger as per J. Edson Leonard, 1950
Tip: silver twist
Tag: yellow floss
Tail: topping plus Indian crow
Butt: black herl
Body: embossed gold
Ribbing: oval gold
Hackle: claret and red palmer together
Wing: double tippets over 2 long jungle cock, topping over
Cheeks: blue

Found while examining  T. E. Pryce-Tannatt's " How to Dress Salmon Flies". A & C Black,  London, England, 1977,  This odd-ball Ranger does not have the typical Ranger wing, and is to my mind rather gaudy, even for a salmon-fly. I have not seen it in other sources and wonder on it's popularity.   

Red Ranger as per Freddie Riley, 1970
Tip: flat silver
Tail: topping plus chatterer
Butt: black herl
Body: red floss
Ribbing: flat gold and silver twist
Hackle: lemon
Throat: magenta
Wing: single pair of tippets, married yellow, red and blue goose, florican
Head: black

Here we have a fine Ranger pattern from a modern master, sadly now deceased.  I would love to know more history on this fly and one of these days will test it.  My only question about it is why Poul did not make the head red as well as the butt?  It would be just that much more balanced.  

Silver Ranger as per Poul Jorgensen 1978
Tip: silver thread
Tag: yellow floss
Tail: topping plus Indian crow
Butt: scarlet wool or sea-ex dubbing
Body: flat silver tinsel
Ribbing: oval silver tinsel
Hackle: scarlet
Throat: scarlet
Wing: double tippets over 2 long jungle cock, topping over
Shoulder: chatterer
Horns: blue and yellow macaw
Head: black

The Erne Ranger, from E. J. Malone's 1998 book Irish Trout and Salmon Flies, is to my mind the least Ranger-like fly of the whole family.  Given the Erne's history of odd looking flies however, this one fits right in.  All one has to do is visit the Parson family of flies and observe the backwards wings and throats on the earliest members and we can see the thread commemorated here perhaps. 

Erne Ranger as per E. J. Malone, 1984
Tip: silver wire
Tail: topping and tippet in strand
Body: scarlet and black silk in equal parts
Ribbing: oval silver
Hackle: scarlet over the black
Throat: orange
Wing: scarlet swan with white tipped turkey over
Cheeks: jungle cock

Here again,  from E. J. Malone's 1998 book Irish Trout and Salmon Flies, we have another fly that is distinctly unRanger-like A rather pretty fly none-the-less

Irish Ranger as per E. J. Malone, 1984
Tip: fine oval silver
Tag: light blue
Tail: topping plus Indian crow
Body: 1/3 reddish-orange silk, 2/3 black seal
Ribbing: oval silver
Hackle: claret over the black seal
Throat: jay
Wing: 1 pair tippets, jungle cock over, wood duck or teal over that, topping over
Horns: blue and yellow
Head: black

I have included the Lady Amherst here, even though it is not called or referred to as a Ranger at all, because even though the wings are not golden pheasant tippets, they follow the Ranger pattern precisely.  This fly might as well be called a White Ranger.  In "Fishing Atlantic Salmon, the Flies and the Patterns." Bates, Joseph D. Jr.and Bates, Pamela Richards. Stackpole Books,  Mechanicsburg PA. 1996, page 322, it is written that the Lady Amherst is of American origins, along with a lovely fly called the Night Hawk, however, on page 348 is stated it's origin: " This famous Canadian pattern is dressed in the classic style,  It was originated abut 1925 by George D. Bonbright, president of the Seaboard Airline Railway, and was extensively used by him on Canadian rivers, especially the Grand Cascapedia."  This pattern was commercialized by Charles Phair, author of Atlantic Salmon Fishing, under the name Bonbright #2 to distinguish it from an earlier pattern named for Bonbright and called Bonbright #1.  Apparantly it was an extremely popular pattern with the guides on the Grand Cascapedia as well, especially in large sizes (up to 5/0).  The pattern Bates lists in the above mentioned book is not the same one as listed in his book from 1970, it is virtually identical to the one found in "Salmon Flies," Jorgensen, Poul,  Stackpole Books, Mechanicsburg PA. 1978, and so I will list that pattern first. 

Lady Amherst as per Poul Jorgensen 1978
Tip: silver thread
Tag: golden yellow floss
Tail: topping and strands of teal
Butt: black ostrich
Body: flat silver tinsel
Ribbing: oval silver tinsel
Hackle: badger
Throat: teal flank to the barb
Wing: double Amherst tippets over 2 long jungle cock, topping over
Cheeks: chatterer
Shoulder: jungle cock
Horns: blue and yellow macaw
Head: black

This is the pattern most of us are used to.  It is only slightly different from Bates' later version in the starting place for the hackle, but otherwise is identical.  Bates has another, earlier pattern he claims is the original,  which can be seen in Bates, Joseph D. "Atlantic Salmon Flies and Fishing." Stackpole Books,  Mechanicsburg PA. 1970, page 293.  It is very similar, and goes as follows:

Lady Amherst as per Joseph D.Bates, 1970
Tip: fine oval silver tinsel or silver wire
Tag: golden-yellow silk floss
Tail: a golden pheasant crest feather (over this sometimes a few whisps of teal are added)
Butt: black ostrich herl
Body: flat silver tinsel
Ribbing: oval silver tinsel
Hackle: a badger hackle palmered from the second turn of tinsel
Throat: about two turns of barred black and white teal body feather, tied on as a collar and pulled down, the longest fibers extending to the barb of the hook (the teal fibers sometimes are applied as a beard, but this is less attractive)
Wing: strips of Amherst pheasant center tail (barred black and white neck feathers often are substituted, especially on large flies)
Shoulder: jungle cock
Cheeks: chatterer, smaller and shorter then the jungle cock, but veiling it (blue kingfisher can be substituted)
Topping: a golden pheasant crest feather

A note of history on this pattern, again from Bates, 1970, page 23, "The Canadian Record is a 55-pounder taken on June 27, 1939 on Quebec's Grand Cascapedia River by Esmond B. Martin, who used a Leonard rod, vom Hofe reel and a Lady Amherst fly."